Incredible golfsense of centered golf

Incredible golfsense of centered golf. t’s time you learned the truth about improving your golf game…

Over the years I’ve taught thousands of people and watched the sheer enjoyment on their faces as I’ve helped them improve their golf game.  

The game of golf has given so much to me, I’m fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to give something back to all those who play this wonderful game.

I’ve been featured on The Golf Channel, written articles for Golf Magazine and am a published author of three books on the game of golf. When it comes to golf and  improving your game,  I can certainly help. 

When you’re done, you’re going to have the biggest light bulb moment you’ve ever had when it comes to improving your golf game.

The amazing part is that no one until now has even attempted to fill what is potentially the biggest roadblock in golfers improving.  

I can say with 100% confidence, if you fill this hole with the information I’m going to give you, it will drop more strokes off your game faster than ever before.

The key is getting you to reach that full potential. Here is where traditional teachings have failed.

When you go see your local teaching professional or purchase a program on golf instruction, how much of that time and information is spent working on your short game other than a drill or two? 

As a golfer, you already know the short game makes up over 65% of your total score during a round. I also know you’ve heard over and over again,  you must spend time working on that part of the game.

The fact the short game should be practiced as much if not more than full swing practice isn’t rocket science. 

With what I’m about to show you, by following just one lesson I have laid out, your practice will be 100x’s more effective and produce faster results than hours of practice the traditional way. 

Let’s first look at traditional teaching and compare it to a real world situation to put it in perspective.

Traditional teaching will spend most of the time on shaping your ability to hit the golf ball. This could be working on your tee shot with the driver or your irons in the fairway for your approach shot. 

You go into full swing practice no matter with an instructor or bought information, hitting a slice or a hook, fat or thin. 

You already have visual feedback, information and a starting point to begin working with to start solving your problem. 

If you weren’t hitting it right, left, fat or thin, what would you need a lesson or course form information right?

In real world problem solving it’s no different. You analyze the situation, see which part will require the most attention to get the situation under control.